Saturday, April 28, 2007

Personal Piece Form

A “Personal Piece” can be any piece of creative writing in any genre on any topic of your own choosing. Length-wise it must be equivalent to 500-2500 words (no less than 500 words for poems or songs, no more than 2500 words for fiction/non-fiction).

Personal Piece Idea Due: May 10, 2007.

Personal Piece Due: May 31, 2007.

You will need to submit 2 copies of your “Personal Piece”:
1 to me,
1 to you Feedback Partner

Student Name:

Personal Piece Idea Title:

Genre (i.e. short story, a series of song, sonnet poem, introductory chapter to an epic science fiction novel, non-fiction essay, opinion piece, children’s picture book for 4-6 year olds, collage poem and so on):

Have you already written this piece of work?


How long do you expect it to be (estimate word count and/or pages)?

Do you have any suggestions for what the marking criteria should be?

Who is your Feedback Partner for the Personal Piece (to be filled in during the class)?

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